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Accessing Virginia’s Hospital Market Sector: Fresh Produce Food Safety Considerations



Authors as Published

Amber Vallotton, Extension Specialist, Horticulture, Virginia Tech; Alexandra Battah, Undergraduate Student, Agricultural and Applied Economics, Virginia Tech; Ryan Knox, Undergraduate Student, Food Science & Technology, Virginia Tech; Adrianna Vargo, Director Grower Services, Local Food Hub; Thomas Archibald, Assistant Professor, Agricultural, Leadership, and Community Education, Virginia Tech; Renee Boyer, Associate Professor, Food Science Technology, Virginia Tech; Natalie E. Cook, Doctoral Candidate, Agricultural, Leadership, and Community Education, Virginia Tech; and Tiffany Drape, Assistant Professor, Agricultural, Leadership, and Community Education, Virginia Tech

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To better understand current expectations and perceptions across multiple market sectors in Virginia, and help producers better align their on-farm practices with these marketplaces, the Fresh Produce Food Safety Team conducted a state-wide market assessment survey in 2015-2016. The purpose of this factsheet is to provide you with the results of that work, especially if you are considering selling produce to hospitals.

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Publication Date

April 25, 2023