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Virginia Corn Hybrid and Management Trials in 2021



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Authored by Wade Thomason, Extension Specialist, School of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Virginia Tech; Caleb Bishop, Research Specialist, School of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Virginia Tech; Elizabeth Rucker, Research Associate, School of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Virginia Tech Other contributors: Phillip Browning, Manager, Virginia Crop Improvement Association Foundation Seed Farm; Doug Horn, Extension Agent, Rockingham County; Jason Stutz, Karl Jones, Agricultural Manager Senior, Tidewater Agricultural Research and Extension Center; Ned Jones, Farm Manager, Southern Piedmont Agricultural Research and Extension Center; Greg Lillard, Farm Managers, Northern Piedmont Center; Brooks Saville, Agricultural Program Coordinator, College Farm, Virginia Tech

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Performance trials of commercial corn hybrids were conducted at six locations in Virginia in 2021. The Mt. Holly location consisted of both an irrigated and non-irrigated test. All locations were planted with a Wintersteiger PlotKing 2600. All locations were harvested with a Massey-Ferguson 8XP plot combine. Yields have been adjusted to 15.5% moisture. Grain test weight, moisture, and plot grain weights were measured with a GrainGauge® manufactured by HarvestMaster. A list of companies participating in the trials is provided before the table of contents. All hybrids entered in the Virginia trials are those submitted by commercial companies.
The locations at which particular hybrids were entered were specified by the company. Companies entering hybrids were charged a fee for each hybrid per location to support the Virginia Corn Hybrid and Management Trials.

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Publication Date

December 17, 2021