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Resources by Susan C. French

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Winterizing the Water Garden
Water gardens require maintenance throughout the year. Preparation for the winter months is especially important for the survival of both the aquatic plants and the wildlife in and around the pond. Some plants will not tolerate winter weather and must be removed from the pond while cold-hardy plants need only to be completely immersed in the pond. Debris such as leaves and dying plants must be removed, especially if there are fish in the pond. Fall is the time to take action. Prepare the pond for the winter months by managing the plants, cleaning the pond, and monitoring the water conditions. If treated properly, many aquatic plants and wildlife can survive in the water garden for years.
Mar 1, 2020 426-042 (SPES-261P)
Urban Water-Quality Management: Wildlife in the Home Pond Garden
Small home pond gardens support aquatic plants and also attract a variety of wildlife. Turtles, frogs, birds, snakes, lizards, and raccoons as well as many other animals may use these ponds. Most wildlife needs water to survive and will seek out ponds for drinking, bathing, habitat, and in some cases, reproduction.
Sep 2, 2020 426-045 (HORT-126P)
Tree and Shrub Planting Guidelines
Select trees and shrubs well-adapted to conditions of individual planting sites. Poorly-sited plants are doomed from the start, no matter how carefully they’re planted.
Mar 3, 2015 430-295 (HORT-106P)
A Guide to Successful Pruning: Pruning Basics and Tools May 1, 2009 430-455
A Guide to Successful Pruning: Pruning Deciduous Trees May 18, 2022 430-456 (SPES-403P)
A Guide to Successful Pruning, Pruning Evergreen Trees May 17, 2022 430-457 (SPES-402P)
A Guide to Successful Pruning: Stop Topping Trees! May 1, 2009 430-458
A Guide to Successful Pruning, Pruning Shrubs May 1, 2009 430-459
A Guide to Successful Pruning: Deciduous Tree Pruning Calendar Jun 16, 2021 430-460 (SPES-328P)
A Guide to Successful Pruning: Evergreen Tree Pruning Calendar Jun 16, 2021 430-461 (SPES-324P)
A Guide to Successful Pruning, Shrub Pruning Calendar Jun 11, 2021 430-462 (SPES-323P)