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Resources by Eric Wiseman

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Selecting and Managing Trees to Avoid Conflicts with Overhead Utility Lines
Trees can become a dangerous liability when they are planted near utility lines and their mature size leads to conflicts with the utility lines. Trees can damage utility lines, disrupt power delivery, and create hazardous conditions. Utility companies expend significant resources managing tree conflicts through pruning and removal. Despite the potential for these conflicts, property owners often desire trees near utility lines for amenity and privacy. To prevent recurring conflicts with utility lines, trees with compatible mature size should be planted near utility lines. In this publication are recommendations for minimizing tree conflicts with utility lines along with an extensive list of utility line compatible tree species suitable for landscapes in Virginia and the Mid-Atlantic region.
Sep 9, 2024 430-029 (CNRE-182P)
Hiring an Arborist to Care for Your Landscape Trees
Landscape trees are valuable assets to your property and for your community. Keeping your trees attractive, healthy, and safe requires careful attention to their planting and care throughout their lives. While many people have a green thumb, there are situations that arise where the expertise of an arborist is needed to address complex or potentially hazardous tree care needs. The purpose of this publication is to inform home owners, property managers, municipal planners, and others about the tree care services provided by an arborist and the steps that should be taken to hire a qualified arborist.
Aug 10, 2020 ANR-131NP
ENERGY SERIES: What about Landscaping and Energy Efficiency?
The design and management of a landscape can have a notable impact on household energy consumption. Throughout the history of civilization, people have altered their dwellings and landscapes to make them more comfortable and energy efficient.
Jul 1, 2020 BSE-145NP(BSE-334NP)
Champion Big Trees of Virginia, 2019-2020 Update
Big trees are natural wonders that inspire people and play important roles in forest ecosystems. The Virginia Big Tree Program documents, curates, and publicizes the largest trees known to exist in Virginia. Trees are scored and ranked using measurements of their physical dimensions.
Apr 8, 2020 CNRE-104NP
Emerald Ash Borer
The emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire) is a wood-boring beetle native to eastern Asia and is now considered the most destructive forest pest ever seen in North America. Since its discovery in Michigan in 2002, it has killed tens of millions of native ash (Fraxinus spp.) trees in the United States and Canada. This destruction has already cost municipalities, property owners, and businesses tens of millions of dollars in damages.
May 10, 2020 HORT-69NP